Missed SLAs? 5 Reasons Why It’s Time to Switch Your Fulfilment Provider

Alice Davies By Alice Davies |
Read time: 9 mins

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5 signs it’s time to switch fulfilment providers & avoid missed SLAs

We’ve all been there: you’re eagerly waiting for your new online purchase, and instead of that exciting delivery knock, you’re left twiddling your thumbs, staring at your tracking page like it’s going to suddenly change. Spoiler alert: it won’t. Cue the flood of “Where’s my order?” (WISMO) emails, and your customer service team is suddenly knee-deep in a logistical nightmare.

If your fulfilment provider keeps ghosting on SLAs (Service Level Agreements), it’s time to swipe left on that relationship. Let’s get real: missed SLAs are like bad dates - full of empty promises, awkward conversations, and you always end up paying for dinner. Here are five reasons why it might be time to say, “It’s not me, it’s definitely you,” to your fulfilment partner.

1. Damaging your customer experience - one missed delivery at a time

Your customers expect their orders faster than you can swipe right. They’re not here for excuses, they’re here for packages! So, when your fulfilment provider turns into that flaky date who always cancels last minute, your customers’ trust in your brand crumbles faster than a cookie in transit.

Remember: 84% of customers won’t come back after one poor delivery experience. One! That’s the eCommerce version of being ghosted after the first date. If you’re constantly sending apology emails for missed SLAs, it’s time to ask, “Is this relationship really going anywhere?” Your fulfilment partner should be boosting your customer experience, not dragging it down like a bad romantic comedy.
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2. Missed SLAs lead to increased customer service costs

Your customer service team shouldn’t have to double as a clean-up crew. But when SLAs are missed, they’re the ones left sweeping up the mess. Each late delivery triggers a tsunami of WISMO (Where Is My Order?) queries, complaints, and refund requests that your team has to handle - on top of their usual workload. It’s like a never-ending game of “Whac-A-Mole,” except the moles are angry customers, and you’re out of coins (disclaimer: no moles were hurt during this analogy).

These customer service interactions cost you. According to the UK Institute of Customer Service (ICS) poor customer service is costing businesses £11.4bn a month in lost productivity. That’s money better spent on growing your business, not playing referee between your fulfilment provider and angry customers. If missed SLAs are spiking your costs, it’s time to find a provider that won’t keep ghosting on you.

3. Negative impact on your brand’s reputation

You’ve worked hard to build your brand’s reputation, but missed SLAs can tarnish it in an instant. When customers don’t get what they were promised, they’re not just upset - they’re vocal about it. One missed delivery can lead to a string of negative reviews, complaints on social media, and even public rants that can damage your brand’s image. Remember that car brandished with ‘cheater’? Exactly.

Research shows that 93% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase. Imagine you’re on a first date, and halfway through dinner, your date pulls out their phone to check Yelp reviews… about you. Yeah, it’s that serious. A single missed delivery could be all it takes to send potential customers running into the arms of your competition. So, if your fulfilment provider can’t get its act together, your brand’s rep might take the hit. Just look at Tiger Woods.
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4. Operational strain: When your team can’t keep up

Missed SLAs don’t just impact your customers - they create operational chaos for your internal teams, too. When orders are delayed, your team has to jump through hoops to fix the problem. Whether it’s chasing down shipments, processing refunds, or manually updating customers on the status of their order, the operational strain is real.

And let’s not forget the toll this takes on your team’s morale. No one wants to spend their day fielding complaints or fixing fulfilment issues that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Your team should be focused on delivering value and driving growth, not spending hours dealing with avoidable problems caused by a subpar fulfilment provider.

A reliable fulfilment partner can help streamline operations and ensure that your team isn’t constantly putting out fires. By switching to a provider with a proven track record of meeting SLAs, you can reduce operational strain, boost team morale, and allow your business to run more smoothly - especially during busy periods like peak season.


5. Lost revenue opportunities during peak season

Peak season is a golden opportunity for eCommerce businesses. It’s the time of year when sales are at their highest, and revenue is flowing in. But if your fulfilment provider is missing SLAs during this crucial period, you’re not just losing orders - you’re losing revenue.

When customers don’t receive their orders on time, they’re more likely to cancel their purchase or request a refund. Even worse, they might take their business elsewhere, choosing a competitor who can meet their delivery expectations. Each missed SLA represents lost sales, and those sales can add up quickly during peak season.

The financial impact of missed SLAs can be staggering. In some cases, businesses lose up to 40% of their peak season revenue due to fulfilment issues. That’s a huge chunk of your annual income gone, simply because your fulfilment provider couldn’t keep up. If your provider isn’t meeting SLAs during the most critical time of year, it’s time to consider a switch - before you lose even more money.
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The solution? Get ready to swipe right

If you’re tired of missed SLAs, frustrated customers, and growing operational costs, it’s time to make a change. Switching to a fulfilment provider that can reliably meet SLAs isn’t just about avoiding headaches - it’s about safeguarding your revenue, your reputation, and your customer relationships.

Your dream date? Enter fulfilmentcrowd. With a track record of success, industry-leading technology, and a commitment to meeting SLAs, we ensure that your business runs smoothly and your customers are happy.

Here’s why making the switch to fulfilmentcrowd is a no-brainer:

  • Proven reliability: fulfilmentcrowd consistently meets SLAs, ensuring your customers get their orders on time, every time.
  • Cost-efficiency: By reducing missed deliveries and operational inefficiencies, fulfilmentcrowd helps lower customer service costs and increase profitability.
  • Peak-season performance: Whether it’s Black Friday, Christmas, or any other busy period, fulfilmentcrowd’s technology and infrastructure are built to handle the pressure.
“fulfilmentcrowd has exceeded our expectations, delivering an impressive 60% year-on-year growth while reducing our shipping costs by 25%. On top of that, our despatch rate has skyrocketed to an incredible 99.9% - almost perfect! The trust we’ve built with fulfilmentcrowd has been invaluable to us as a rapidly expanding company.”
Davinia Taylor, CEO at Willpowders

Don’t let missed SLAs hold you back

Missing SLAs is more than just a fulfilment hiccup - it’s a business killer. From lost customers to damaged reputations, the ripple effects of missed SLAs can impact every aspect of your brand, leaving a very bad taste in the mouth.

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to settle for a fulfilment provider that keeps dropping the ball. fulfilmentcrowd is your dream date - reliable, efficient, and always ready to deliver (literally). We’ve got the track record, tech, and team to make sure your orders get to your customers on time, every time. So when can we see you again? Get in touch with the team today.

Alice Davies By Alice Davies |

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