How to salvage a bad peak: The benefits of switching fulfillment providers mid-season

Alice Davies By Alice Davies |
Read time: 12 mins

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Benefits of switching fulfillment providers mid-peak

Peak season. You prepped, you planned, and yet somehow, your fulfillment operation has gone up in flames like last year's Christmas pudding. And with a whopping 91% of consumers concerned about their personal finances heading into peak season, driven by cost-of-living pressures, shoppers are tightening their belts. In fact, three in four consumers plan to cut back on spending, meaning every sale is crucial​. This amplifies the need for a fulfillment provider who can deliver efficiently and keep customers coming back. 

Deliveries are late, stock is vanishing into thin air, and your customer service team has set up a makeshift therapy hotline. It’s the eCommerce nightmare before Christmas. But before you throw in the towel and swear off retail forever, there’s a surprising solution that can save the day: switching fulfillment providers mid-peak.

We know what you’re thinking: switch fulfillment providers during peak season?! That’s like changing pilots mid-flight! But hear us out – sometimes the best way to pull out of a nosedive is to make a daring move. So, let’s take a look at why switching providers mid-season could be the best decision you make all year (and how it might just save your festive spirit).


Why peak season goes wrong

Before we get into the magic of switching providers, let’s take a step back and figure out why things are going belly-up in the first place. Spoiler alert: it’s not the fault of your crystal collection (or maybe that one time you parked over the white lines, instead of inside. Who’s to say, really?). 

1. Lack of scalability

Some providers simply can’t handle the surge in demand during peak season. Your orders triple, but their capacity stays the same. It’s like trying to stuff a Christmas turkey into a microwave – it’s just not going to work (unless you have an extremely large microwave and don’t mind rubbery poultry…).

2. Poor communication

Ever had a fulfillment provider pull a disappearing act when you need them most? During peak, communication needs to be clear and constant – if you’re getting radio silence while orders stack up, it’s a huge red flag.   

3. Old-school tech

If your fulfillment provider is still running their operation with technology from the 90s (apparently that’s not 10 years ago any more), it’s no wonder things are going wrong. Peak season requires real-time inventory updates, slick integrations, and tech that doesn’t glitch.

4. Inflexibility

Peak season is the ultimate test of flexibility. Last-minute promotions, surprise stock-outs, and unexpected surges in demand are par for the course. If your provider can’t pivot when things get chaotic, you’re in for a bumpy ride.


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Why switch fulfilment providers mid-peak (How to avoid a festive meltdown)

We know, we know – switching fulfillment providers mid-peak sounds about as tempting as untangling last year’s fairy lights. Let’s take a look at the benefits of making the switch when things are going south faster than a one-hit wonder Christmas single.

1. Save your reputation

Your customers don’t care who is fulfilling their order; they just want their stuff to arrive on time and in one piece. If your current provider is dropping the ball, switching to one that can actually deliver (pun intended) will not only salvage this season, but also save your reputation in the long term. Happy customers = repeat customers = fewer calls to customer service with threats to "speak to the manager".

During peak, there’s no room for error, but it’s also when fulfillment problems hit hardest. Over half of shoppers expect their online purchases to arrive within two days, yet only 31% of merchants can meet this demand. That’s a recipe for disaster when you’ve got delayed orders piling up and customers flooding your inbox with WISMO messages​.

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2. Instant results – No Christmas miracle required

Switching doesn’t mean chaos. The right provider can jump in, sort things out, and get improvements rolling almost instantly. Faster shipping, better communication, and fewer stock headaches in just days.

3. Tech that works

Great service comes with great tech. Modern fulfillment partners use real-time inventory systems and seamless eCommerce integrations to keep things running smoothly, giving you less stress and more control. More shoppers now value flexible returns and real-time tracking as much as they value free shipping. If your fulfillment partner isn’t offering these features, you’re falling behind​.

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4. Flexible fulfilment

Peak season is full of surprises, and you need a partner who can roll with them. Whether it’s an unexpected flash sale or a stock spike, a flexible fulfillment provider keeps your operations running smoothly when things get wild.


What to look for in a new fulfillment provider

OK, you’re ready to switch – but how do you make sure you’re not just jumping from one sinking ship to another? Here’s a quick checklist for choosing your mid-peak fulfillment savior:

1. Capacity to handle surges:

Ask about their infrastructure. Can they scale up when your orders do? Do they have enough staff to keep the wheels turning when things get hectic? You don’t want to be stuck with another provider who can’t handle the heat.

2. Cutting-edge technology

Real-time data, inventory tracking, and seamless integrations are key. If their tech is lagging, so will your deliveries. Look for a provider with software that plays nicely with your existing systems and gives you the insights you need to stay in control.


3. Flexibility

Can they pivot if you launch a last-minute promotion? Do they have fast solutions for returns? Flexibility is crucial during peak – make sure they can roll with the punches.

4. Communication

You should never feel like you’re chasing your provider for updates. Ask how often they communicate, what channels they use, and if you’ll have a dedicated point of contact. Trust us, the last thing you need mid-peak is to be left in the dark.


How to make the switch without losing your sanity

Switching fulfillment providers mid-peak doesn’t have to feel like an episode of DIY SOS (is that show even still on?). With a solid plan, it can be smooth, fast, and even *gasp* stress-free. Here’s how:

1. Create a transfer plan

Work closely with your new provider to map out the handover. This should include stock transfer, system integrations, and a communication schedule. Preparation is key to avoiding any disruption.

2. Smooth stock transfer

Make sure your inventory is moved to the new provider’s warehouse as quickly as possible. This is where the magic happens, so don’t let it drag out.

3. Integrate systems early

Ensure your new fulfillment provider can integrate with your eCommerce platform. This is vital for smooth order processing, tracking, and communication with customers.

4. Keep a close eye on performance

Once the switch is made, monitor performance closely. Are shipments going out faster? Are stock levels updated in real time? If the switch was successful, you’ll see improvements almost immediately.


Don’t wait until next year to fix a broken fulfilment process

Peak season can make or break your year, and if your current fulfillment provider is falling short, don’t wait for next year to make changes. Switching mid-season might just be the bold move that saves your business from an epic festive meltdown. The right fulfillment partner can help you turn things around faster than you can say, “Happy New Year” (and ensure it actually is a Happy New Year…).

If your current fulfillment situation is giving you more nightmares than the Grinch, why not give fulfilmentcrowd a call? Our decentralized fulfillment network means we don’t rely on one giant warehouse bursting at the seams; instead, we operate multiple fulfillment centers closer to your customers. The result? Faster deliveries, fewer delays, and way happier customers.

But it's not just about speed. With fulfilmentcrowd, you also get real-time stock visibility, so you’ll always know what’s going on behind the scenes. Our cloud-based platform integrates directly with your eCommerce system, making inventory tracking and order management a breeze - no more wondering where that one product went. And because we’re serious about sustainability, our network cuts down on carbon emissions and offers eco-friendly packaging options. We keep things green, so you can meet customer demands for responsible business practices while keeping your operations smooth, even during the busiest times.

So, while your competitors are scrambling to patch things up mid-peak, you can stay ahead by switching to a smarter, more efficient fulfillment model that’s built to thrive under pressure. Learn more about how fulfilmentcrowd can keep you ahead of the game by visiting our business model page.

Ready to switch fulfillment providers? 

Speak to a member of the fulfilmentcrowd team and start your journey.
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Alice Davies By Alice Davies |

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