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Delivery Assured, the answer to bad delivery

Delivery Assured transforms the post-delivery experience, boosting consumer convenience and saving brands time and money.



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Delivery Assured: Allowing you to take control of bad delivery

through the fulfilmentcrowd platform


Reduced Overheads

Say goodbye to the hours spent on raising tickets, sending emails and making phone calls to resolve delivery issues. With Delivery Assured, our automated processes handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.

Faster Resolutions

Time is money, especially when it comes to addressing delivery problems… the automated communication allows for quicker resolution times and less friction when solving bad deliveries with Delivery Assured.

Lower Cost To Serve

Every minute spent resolving a delivery issue translates to increased costs for your business. By automating the investigation and communication processes, Delivery Assured helps you reduce the cost to serve and improve your bottom line.

Enhanced Experience

Ultimately, the true value of Delivery Assured lies in the superior experience it delivers to the end consumer. By providing a structured process for reporting issues and ensuring prompt resolution, you'll build trust and loyalty, driving long-term success.

Introducing Delivery Assured,

transforming the post-delivery experience

Delivery Assured is the answer to bad delivery. A comprehensive suite of tools and services that revolutionises the post-delivery experience, providing convenience for the end consumer whilst delivering significant time and cost savings for brands.

Designed to tackle the frustrations and lengthy back-and-forth communication cycles often involved in resolving ‘bad deliveries’ with carriers, Delivery Assured automates the investigation and communication processes, reduces cost to serve and speeds up the carrier-claim time whilst providing the end consumer with a superior experience.



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Starting from the top

What is 'bad delivery' ?

Any consignment that did not reach the end consumer on time, and in 100% condition is classed as a bad delivery:

  • Late delivery
  • Lost parcels
  • Damaged parcels
  • Damaged or missing items
  • Unexpected items
  • Product returns

Bad deliveries result in the end consumer, the brand, the 3PL and the carrier in a frustrating cycle of communication attempting to gather the relevant data and evidence to rectify issues faced during the final mile process.

Up to a staggering 15% of consignments end in ‘bad delivery’ resulting in a global issue costing over £33 billion. Our data shows that ‘bad delivery’ cost our customers £1 million in 2023. Have you ever considered how much bad delivery is costing you?


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Creating Delivery Assured

The answer was in the problem

It started as a problem, and that problem swiftly created a brief for our Product Team to create something exceptional that would remove a world of pain from the journey of the end consumer, our customers and also – us! Interviews with our customers clearly told us three things:

  1. Each 'bad delivery' issue takes on average 60-80 minutes of resource time to resolve
  2. Bad delivery' is a factor that strongly affects brand perception
  3.  Brands felt their bottom line was somewhat affected by the lead times for carrier claim reimbursement

These three key points became the magic ingredient to the Delivery Assured product. The fulfilmentcrowd Product Team have since created a solution that addresses these three issues, removing pain and friction from every point in the journey to rectifying bad deliveries.

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How does Delivery Assured work?

The proof is in the product

Delivery Assured is a proprietary platform developed by our product teams that automates the sharing of data related to deliveries between three parties: the retailer, the consumer and us - the 3PL. 

By the consumer submitting all relevant information relating to their package at the earliest point of receipt (or non-delivery!) we are able to start the investigation process as soon as we know there's a problem, whatever it may be.

Here, our Head of Product - Austin Waddecar explains the features of Delivery Assured and how it benefits not only the retailer, but the end consumer too.

Creating an enhanced experience

for the end consumer

Our research and customer interviews clearly demonstrated that a large proportion of the frustration felt by the end consumer was due to their lack of understanding as to why the retailer does not have direct access to the carrier. A clear requirement for a more direct stream of contact for carrier information and detail was evident and with Delivery Assured, consumers can now:

  • Track their order status and details immediately after package dispatch
  • Report an issue or bad delivery directly to fulfilmentcrowd to begin investigations
  • Directly submit a denial of receipt in the instance of a lost delivery
  • Report any products that have arrived damaged, are no longer required or are missing

The retailer will still remain in full control, but by fulfilmentcrowd having full sight of the delivery data from the offset we are able to begin investigative processes or raise an issues with the carrier without the retailer having to be the middle-man between communications.

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Got a question?

We've answered them below

  • Is Delivery Assured just available in the UK?
  • Is your communication with my customers compulsory?
  • Is Delivery Assured compulsory as a fulfilmentcrowd customer?
  • Can I apply my branding to the Delivery Assured portal?

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